Suspiciously Nice Guys

By Gino

So this is gonna be an anecdote that happened in spring this year, I think?

I was wearing my red and black harem pants and my Pino sweater to metalcafe. I was pretty fucked up on both alcohol and weed by the end of it.

I think it was the metalcafe show with Eilie Billish as the final act. Which was a metalcafe xxl, so it was definitely this year. And as a side note, Eilie Billish was genuinely so fucking sick bro. I bought their merch in XL because they had nothing else and i didnt give a flying fuck (partially because i was so fucked up probably).

So I came out to my bike as I was boutta skedaddle. And a group of like 4 people come up to me and start taking all this interest in me.

Except for one guy of the group who kinda stayed at a distance and had a vibe of like; man not this shit again, I’ll just wait here until they’re done.

But yeah so the other three guys started talking to me. Giving me hella compliments and asking me all kinds of questions about me. My name, where I’m from, what kinda music I like etc. etc.

They even made me (well they just asked me to, but still) put up some metal on my phone. Which was genuinely horrendous, because phone sounds and metal don’t go together so well. And they responded with a fake ass reaction being like oh wow that’s awesome dude.

Like bro i can see your faces y’all enjoyed that just as much as i did. They suck at acting frfr.

Which was kinda when I just got the feeling like these guys didn’t have my best interests at heart.

It felt extremely sus before that but this was the turning point for sure. Whenever I struggled to answer a question they just asked me something else and gave me another compliment. They really were relentless.

When I eventually heard enough and started trying to exit the conversation they tried even harder to get me to stay. Which made me want to leave even more. Eventually I just got on my bike and rode away when I realized they weren’t gonna let me go.

Yeah, very weird. I still don’t know what their endgame was but it probably involved something dubious. A similar thing happened once to someone I know, but for him it was worse because they were friends of a friend. As opposed to straight up strangers.

When this happened to him they tried to get him to pin cash for them from his account while he was fucking out of it, on 2CB I think.

Probably these guys were trying the same, or a similar thing, on me.

A week or maybe a month after this all happened, I saw the same group of people doing the same thing in the same spot, right in front of the kb.

I was passing them by at the exact moment when their new target was walking away. And they did the same things they did to me, calling after him by his name to try and get him to come back. The guy looked very insecure and I kinda wanted to talk to him and be like, yo they did that to me too. Though, I didn’t. I just cycled past him and went home.

When I cycled away after they did it to me I felt very insecure and vulnerable the whole way home and even when I was trying to sleep that night. The next day I was able to realize that they were grade A assholes but yeah. Fuck dude.

The whole thing realistically lasted about 5 minutes. It felt more like 15 though.

I may be very far from what you might consider to be a social person. But I know what genuine interest looks like (enough of which also terrifies me mind you), this wasn’t it.

So yeah hella sus.

0/10 would recommend talking to these guys.

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