Something very strange has happened. The Redâkkie has received a mystery broadcast from an as-of-now unknown source. As Redâkkie we try to publish everything sent to us, so what follows is a transcript of this broadcast.
Dear members of the Koornbeurs, It seems I have been captured by a hostile force. Last monday, while resting on a shelf in the Techkiehok, a stranger took a firm grip on me and hid me behind the lost & found bin in our beautiful building. This stranger then presumeably got too drunk and forgot that they intended to capture me, leaving me outside of my lovely home for multiple days. Yesterday, this stranger stuffed me into a backpack and kidnapped me to an unfamiliar location. All I know is that there's some sort of black hairy monster about my size that watches over me and sometimes licks me or purrs towards me in order to intimidate me. My captor has made very clear that they do not intend to keep me here, as long as the ransom is paid. Four (4) bottles of Rouge have to be handed to Techkie's newest associate with the initials N.E., who will then hand over the ransom to the person responsible for this horrible act. If the ransom is not paid before the Koornbeurs Gala, my safety can not be guaranteed. Fearful regards, The Techkie Sword
The Redâkkie is not sure how an inanimate object managed to broadcast this message to us, but we will follow the events closely. An image has been transmitted along with this text. It seems to depict the “black hairy monster” the sword was talking about.