A report on Magic


This report was written and peer reviewed by the arcane academy of Bloe Frya, any attempt to use the following data without proper citation and/or permission may result in spontaneous combustion, rupturing of internal organs, sudden demonic possession, zombification, nightmares and/or slight headaches.


This paper has been written by Okaron with the help of their students who shall remain unnamed as “Those little shits didn’t do shit”.

The purpose of this paper is to provide a localized source for new students so that they may actually be useful for once build a baseline understanding of how the weave works as far as academics understand it right now.

First the weave will be briefly explained, after which an explanation shall follow of various ways to manipulate it.

The weave

There is currently no known accurate model of what the weave looks like, as no person (for as far as we know) has ever been able to see it directly, merely observing cause and effect.

Despite this the academic world has been able to get close to an accurate model known as strand theory. This model assumes that the entire world is connected by countless invisible strands, which may be manipulated with enough practice (or talent).


Through academic consensus it has been determined that hard work is the best way of attaining magical powers. This can most effectively be achieved by a community of scholars who hand the specific combination of sounds, gestures and materials down to their students. This communal knowledge is expanded by rigorous study of naturally occurring magical phenomena and iterative research.


It has been observed that nature itself (seemingly without interference from a divine force) is capable of manipulating the weave. This has caused some to have seemingly entered into a symbiotic relation with nature itself to harness this power for themselves. The extent to which this power can be harnessed has been observed to vary wildly, from some only being able to manipulate a few vines, whereas others become one with nature itself.


Some people have no patience for learning and understanding, choosing instead to put their faith in deities rather than the sciences. It took a long time to understand how exactly these people were able to harness the weave seemingly without training. After extensive study of captured missionaries it was determined that this is done as their patron (a deity or some other sufficiently powerful being) uses their servant as a proxy to channel their power through.


For a long time this method was unknown as academics assumed it must be another method being used covertly. Upon closer inspection however, it was discovered that the weave could be manipulated by sheer force of will, pure rage or an innate understanding. There are currently efforts underway to disprove this as “just wanting it to happen” is not something the wider academic community wants to accept. Another noteworthy method that falls in this category is manipulation through music. It has been proposed that this is done by channeling the emotion generated by music to make changes to the weave.


To conclude, there are many different ways in which the weave may be manipulated and new facts are discovered every day. It is important to continue this research as new spells may be discovered by observing people such as sorcerers, unmotivated as they may be.