Hello dear members. With the MBB (megabedankborrel) coming up (or having happened already, since I have procrastinated for months), I thought I’d share my (unasked-for) opinion on which Koornbeurs shifts are the best, and which are the worst.

We’ll start with the lowest tier, cause I am a hater by heart.
This tier combines stuff I haven’t done enough to judge and stuff I’ve done a lot and still haven’t found any love for.
Barpoets: I’ve done this shift a few times too many for how much I enjoy doing it. I will say, it’s always gezellig, but I just don’t enjoy the labour that comes with it. I’m too weak and sad to carry all these crates of beer and it also takes a long time to do it. As Oppertapper and Tapki (hooghg) member, I have to continue these shifts but know I’d rather be doing something else.
Geluid: The only experience I have with doing sound at the Koornbeurs is the few karaokes I’ve organised and I’ve never been so stressed behind a machine in my life, and I get stressed easily. I lose track of what is connected to which sliding thing and oh my god when people move the mics when singing, don’t make me do this. I’ll get my actual sound inwerk at some point, but until then, I will be a hater.
Portieren: I just don’t like to do this, man. The only portier-like shift I’ve had is during the Owee, which was fine, but just the thought of missing out on a band night by being stuck outside makes me sad.
C tier (I’d rather not do this shift)
This tier is shifts I don’t hate, but don’t exactly like either.
Schenken: You’d think that as the previous Schenki chair, I would love to schenk, but I don’t. Compared to tappen, you barely have to do anything, but when it’s crowded it sucks because there are so many people talking at once. I have however done multiple schenkshifts in 1 week a few times and had a good time when it wasn’t crowded so it can be fun sometimes.
VDB: I haven’t done this often, since I VT them on the days I am free to take a shift. The VDB shifts that I have done have been pretty uneventful (besides the one time I had to clean vomit out of the sink downstairs), so I’d rather take a similar shift from the better side of the bar.
Foto’s: OEPSIE this is a mistake in the photo LMAO
Plakken: I’ve done this shift twice and did have a good time, but compared to the other shifts this is on the less enjoyable side, since it’s cold or raining 90% of the time we have events that need posters.
B Tier (don’t love it, don’t hate it)
These are shifts I either love, but don’t think I’m that good at or shifts that just aren’t as enjoyable as I hoped they would be.
Foto’s: I LOVE TAKING PICTURES, however, I’m not the best at it and half of the pictures I have taken at the Koornbeurs are on the poepoe stinky KB camera, so I don’t know if the problem is me or the camera. When I have enough money to buy a decent camera I’ll revisit this ranking.
Koken: I love to cook, but not in the KB kitchen or for large groups. However, I don’t hate it and all the compliments you get after cooking are a nice addition.
VT: This shift is pretty nice. My favourite VT shift this year has to be Herman, since I could just focus on the fridges and the kassa when everyone else was struggling to keep up with the orders. The part where you have to confront people more than during a regular tapshift and just my love for tappen in general is why I haven’t put this on a higher tier.
Schoonmaken: I have only done this once (if you don’t count DB shifts), but I did enjoy it the one time I did it. It was during Corona times when the building was barely open, so I could get rid of A LOT of dust, which was amazing. The only problem is that it takes a few hours when I also have my own house to clean most of the time.
Klussen: This shift is really fun, but I’m very terrible at klussen, so I can’t get myself to put this higher on the ranking.
A Tier (If I had motivation, I would)
Afwas: Very unpopular opinion, but I LOVE doing the dishes. 99% of the time I eat at the Koornbeurs I already have a shift or I have no time to cook and do dishes at home, so I don’t get the chance to do dishes, but when I do, I have a jolly good time.
Design: This doesn’t count the same as designing a poster as I’ve never done that. HOWEVER, I love designing silly little promo pictures for either in mededelingen or the rare case where it ends up on the KB Instagram. Writing overenthusiastic words to convince people to go to events is also nice.
DB: DB gets ranked higher than VDB, because there’s a standard list of things to do, and I love some structure. Shoutout to Thijs and Freya for always being here every Wednesday and making my day better 🙂
Schrijven: I have a lot of ideas, but not enough motivation to write them down. This year I’ve discovered my love for shitposting, so once I’m done being board and start being bored there will be more articles coming your way.
S Tier (I’d do this every day)
Tappen: I LOOOOOOVE TO TAP. If you’re a member at the Koornbeurs who has ever had a conversation with me you’ll know this fact. I could go on and on about how much I love to tap, but this is already a pretty long article, so just ask me about it when you see me (probably behind the bar or doing bar-related stuff).
Licht: I would consider doing light the second best shift to do at parties because you can just put fun colours and make funky chasers. The best part is the strobe!
Belsletten: This is technically not a shift, but I love it so much that it deserves to be on here. I will make a distinction between the Sunday on my phone belslet and the being there on a ledenavond and screaming at people belslet. I hate the first one, but LOVE the second one. The best part is the instant reaction people have to seeing the Tapmap, which is either very positive or very negative, but entertaining either way.
Thank you for reading my giant of an article and I hope this motivates you to do many shifts this coming year to collect all the bedankjes!!