With all the new people in the Koornbeurs, we of the Redakkie (the writing committee) thought it would be nice to explain what we do and how everything works, so that if we have any potential writers they know what to do!
You might notice that you are now on a beautiful webbed site called forum.koornbeurs.nl. This is where all published articles by members are compiled. We also have a bi-yearly physical Forum (little booklet). So any articles we get are published here, and if we really like it, it might be saved for a physical Forum.
The Redakkie is not really the writing committee, despite me just saying that. Our main goal is compiling and publishing articles. It just so happens that most of us also like writing. This means that anyone can write an article and send it to us. We typically publish everything we get (please send us things we are so desperate), except if it’s blatantly discriminatory or nazi-ish or anything. We also generally don’t publish anything that’s just a personal attack on someone, because we don’t like meanies. Other than that, anything is accepted! So whether it’s a small comedy thing or a long essay or some poetry, you can publish it.
So how does one get their thing published? You can either email it to redakkie@koornbeurs.nl, or you can directly send it to one of our members. If it’s a personal or controversial piece of writing, you can ask to have it anonymized, this way it will stay anonymous even within the committee, so only the person you sent it to will know it was yours. We can also put it behind a password that we put in the announcement. Generally we publish the articles once a week in the order we got them, but we might deviate depending on if we have a lot of pile-up or if something is time-sensitive. You can always request your article be moved up or set to a certain date.
That’s it! I personally recommend all new people to scroll through this website for a bit, there’s some real gems in here. If you have questions, you can always ask me (Freya) or other Redakkie members. I hope to read your articles soon!