Hiya lovely people, with the start of a new academic year a lot of new members have entered the Koornbeurs. Whilst the floor of the Koornbeurs is very low, figuratively and literally, the sky is the limit in terms of what you can do with your time at the Koornbeurs.
Ima already made a tierlist about all the different shifts you can do which u can find here, however committees are also a big thing! Here’s a list on which committees exist and what they do!
The Acqki is a group of people who take care of the acquisition part of the Koornbeurs. They get us funds from the municipality, other funds from different organisations and arrange sponsors for different events.
The name kinda says it all, the Aktivikie (also called AK) organises different activities for members but also parties which are open for everyone. With a different theme every year, they never cease to surprise us!
The name of this committee is based on the term: ‘dies natalis’ which is latin for birthday. The dieski organises stuff surrounding the birthday of the association. These activities are the diesreception on the birthday of the Koornbeurs itself and the Gala!
Technically not a committee, however the FK is an advisory organ to the board and association who know a lot about finances. The FK generally contains a lot of (old-) treasurers who can advise committees and the board in financial decisions.
The FOMOki is in charge of all the physical and online promo of the Koornbeurs. Think of all the posters hanging around Delft when a big event is happening at the Koornbeurs and the social media pages! Next to this the FOMOki is also responsible for the photography that happens at activities.
The Geeki is the IT committee of the Koornbeurs. The members of the Geeki manage the website, server and telephones. Furthermore, they made the Koornbeurs wiki and they have access to all the files in the Koornbeurs server.
Hamer en Sponskie (Henskie/Henkie):
The Henskie is responsible for all the maintenance in the Koornbeurs. From building a new floor, painting the toilets pink or doing some drywall repairs, they are responsible for it! Every month there is a Sunday where they do maintenance to the building and they are happy to let you do some stuff!
All the kennismakers will know about the introduckie! This is the committee that is responsible for the integration of kennismakers into the association! They organise the KMW and other activities catered to the new members!
The Kaki makes sure we are all fed after a long day of studying! They are the committee that learn people how to cook and keep up with all the maintenance in the kitchen. So please give your local Kaki member a hug since they keep u fed.
The youngest committee of the Koornbeurs. They have a passion for all things boardgame related and organise all the game nights! From social deduction games to DnD oneshots, they love it all!
The Newkie is the committee that organises everything for the OWee. They are responsible for the entire OWee and the Ladies and Queer Intro. They are active from February to August to make the OWee the biggest success it can be!
If you love live music, thank the popkie. The popkie is in charge of the programming of all the band nights, metalcafe’s, DJ Parties and much more. Next to this they also love to do some karaoke and jam nights!
The Redâkkie is the committee that publishes articles in the physical fôrum and also on this beautiful website! The redâkkie loves to write but also loves to see you write. If you have inspiration for an article, write it and it might be published on this website or in the physical fôrum!
The schenki is the committee responsible for the attic bar. At the attic bar the focus is not on (craft) beer but on a nice cup of coffee or tea. With 40+ different types of tea, they have something for everyone.
The Senate is also not a committee, they are an advisory organ to board and other members. They are generally more focussed on the long-term vision of the Koornbeurs. They give advice to everyone, if you like it or not.
The Stofki takes care of everything that has to do with old members of the Koornbeurs and SSR-D (the predecessor of the Koornbeurs). This committee organises reunions for old members and makes a news letter for the old members.
The Tapki (Hooghg) is the committee that deals with everything that has to do with the Kelderbar, it was founded as a group to help the oppertapper with his function. The main things that the tapki does are teaching people how to be behind the bar and being the responsible bartender during parties! They always say: “the best party behind the bar!”
Together with the Tapki and the popkie, the techkie is the completion of the trifecta of the necessary committees for a good party. The Techkie manages everything with light and sound equipment necessary for band nights or parties. They also teach people how to do a light or sound shift, since no party is complete without decent light and sound.
I hope you know have a better overview of the committees of the Koornbeurs and what they do! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask me and other members about the different committees!