Hiya lovely people, with the start of a new academic year a lot of new members have entered the Koornbeurs. Whilst the floor of the Koornbeurs is very low, figuratively and literally, the sky is …
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Hiya lovely people, with the start of a new academic year a lot of new members have entered the Koornbeurs. Whilst the floor of the Koornbeurs is very low, figuratively and literally, the sky is …
Verder lezenToday’s the day! 13.3 million Dutch citizens will be heading to the voting booths to cast their votes for the Dutch Parliament. The latest I&O Poll indicates that VVD, GL/PvdA, and PVV are the top …
Verder lezenA few weeks ago I, Daan, sent a google form where members could send in their hot takes! I decided to rank these! Like last time, a hot take is a statement that is not …
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