
The people of Palestine bleed and they die
As the world sees it, but sits idly by.
Bereaved mothers, sitting, crying, ‘why?’
as the sight of rockets once more darkens the sky.

No mercy, no quarter for soldier or nurse
while the USA freely fills the warmachine’s purse
the violence and death encouraged by all
who would happily see the people of Palestine fall

Poetic words, outlawed in the West
equaled with terrorism at Israel’s behest.
If you’re on the street and you’re willing to yell
for Palestine’s freedom, you’ll be locked in a cell.

If all of the world could just open their eyes
and see how extreme and outrageous a price
is paid by civilians to an oppressor’s pride
who’s got them surrounded with nowhere to hide,

Then maybe, just once, we could rise up and stand
as humans, for freedom
and peace
hand in hand.

Which side of history will you be on?