By Fye and Patrik
Hello dear Members, we (Patrik and Fye), along with some other people, had the idea to create Koornbeurs alignment charts for the committees. Know that this is all meant in jest and sometimes we had to fill a spot. If you disagree with your spot, please create your own chart! It would be fun to see others’ opinions.

First up, the Popkie!

Then the Techkie. Joyce and Charlos are represented by Gremlins because we couldn’t choose.

Now Newkie! Special thanks to Nino and Nate for helping us with this one.

The Schenki also has an alignment chart:

Then Tapki with a bit of help from Hulleman and Emma to finish it.

This years’ Kemafeki: Seaside Soiree!

Finally, the Acqki, with help from Nino:

We only made these for a couple of committees cause we did not have the energy to finish it. If anyone wants to do a part 2 please do would be nice to see.
Thank you for reading our funny idea and enjoy the next 23 hours 59 minutes and a couple of seconds.