Today’s the day! 13.3 million Dutch citizens will be heading to the voting booths to cast their votes for the Dutch Parliament. The latest I&O Poll indicates that VVD, GL/PvdA, and PVV are the top three contenders, projected to secure 27, 27, and 28 seats respectively. However, the difference between the general Dutch Public and the Koornbeurs is.. well…. big. Let’s see how the Koornbeurs Poll turned out!
Which party do u expect to be the largest?
We received 71 responses to our poll. When asked which party Koornbeursers expected to be the largest tonight, 53.5% (38 votes) said the VVD. Following closely behind is NSC with 32.4% (23 votes). Additionally, 7% expect GL/PvdA, 2.8% favor D66, and 1 vote (1.4%) was cast for CU, BBB, and Jezus Leeft (yes, really).

Editor’s Note: This poll was conducted approximately 1.5 weeks ago, so the PVV Surge was not taken into account by respondents.
Who would you like to have as Prime Minister?
For the question of whom people would like to have as Prime Minister, the majority favored Frans Timmermans with 56.3% of the votes. Esther Ouwehand received 9.9% of the votes, and Rob Jetten rounds out the top 3 with 7%.

New Voters
In this poll, 19 submissions came from individuals who weren’t eligible to vote in 2021. This group’s top 3 choices for their vote are as follows: GL/PvdA takes the lead with 42.1%, and Volt and Bij1 are tied for the second position, both with 16.7%.
Other notable findings in the results:
- One person switched from FvD to Bij1
- One Person moved from JA21 to GL/PvdA
- Out of 10 people who voted for Volt in 2021, only 3 will do so again
- 74.6% prefer Omtzigt over Yeşilgöz
- 62% prefer Jetten over Dassen
- 62% prefer Timmermans over Ouwehand)
- 50.7% prefer huisjesmelker van Haga over Eerdmans (I know this one was shitty, sorry not sorry folks <3).
Other Questions
Furthermore we had some other questions about people’s options:
- What age should the voting age be?
- Should XTC be legalised?
- Do you have faith in Dutch politics?
The results are as follows:
What age should the voting age be?
Should XTC be legalised?
Do you have faith in Dutch politics?