Unite and Fight; Final thoughts on the elections

(Disclaimer: I’m trying a new thing where I just write it all in one take, so forgive me if it’s chaotic. Also I am definitely biased on this topic)

Well, hello there. First of all, good to see you reading the Fôrum again! It’s been a busy year for Redâkkie in terms of articles, but seeing the view count always sparks a little joy in our hearts. Keep being awesome. Also we still need Diesfôrum articles, so send them!

Then onto the topic of today: the elections. Yeah yeah yeah, I know, they’re over now and you’re probably after more “hihi haha” content on this lovely website, but allow me to express my thoughts about the elections one final time. Cause the results are something.

My sincerest apologies to all internationals. I kind of promised you guys an article on the elections but got ill. So sorry if you were a tad confused or uninterested on the election night. This especially hurts cause some of the winning parties have some pretty harsh plans for international students (or any minority, really), as I’m gonna get into in a second. In fairness, I didn’t expect anything like these results, so whatever I would’ve written, wouldn’t have been a good prediction at all. Still, Redâkkie will do better next time.

So what is actually up? Whether you were at the Koornbeurs Wednesday night seeing it live (thanks Keije and Samir!) or seeing the news posts the day after, the results are rather shocking. Geert Wilders’ far right party PVV has won by a huge margin. Up till Wednesday, they were basically banished to the opposition (and rightfully so), but seeing the results, there is no chance they’ll stay there. And that honestly kind of scares me a bit.

For those that are unaware, the PVV has been using discriminatory rhetoric since they were founded in 2006. They want to ban everything to do with Islam (although that has been toned down a little), leave the European union, stop combating climate change and stop all immigration, to name a few plans. Given that I’m a white and (probably?) cishet Dutch man, their worst plans won’t affect me much. But importantly for the Koornbeurs, they oppose university education in English and want to stop international students from coming in general. Seeing as these types of students have contributed so much to our association culture, we should be very wary of what is about to come.

I know that results don’t directly translate to a government formation (which has started today), but there are more than enough reasons for people to be anxious about what is coming for us. And I’m not talking about the rich, about the “proud Dutchies” that want to ban leftist organisations or about the media that have made Wilders’ victory possible. I’m talking about the minorities, the queer people, the outcasts of society and even just your average Dutch citizen.

I urge you all to reach out to those that will get hurt the most by these types of politicians and let your voice be heard whenever and wherever you can. With threats like climate change on the horizon, now is the time to unite against parties that incite hate and to fight for a better future for everyone. Everyone.

Hugs and kisses,

p.s. I heard on the grapevine that there will be some anti-fascist demonstrations in multiple cities tonight 😏

p.p.s. also damn this turned out to be a bit more preachy then I intended oops.