By Gino Post writing note: this whole article is just me gushing about BJJ and …
Verder lezenMirte Reviewt: TU zelfhulpmodules
Door Mirte (duh) Zoals veel studenten die problemen hebben met hun mental health, heb ik een zware herfst gehad. Mijn depressie stak de kop weer op en door mijn afstuderen kwam ik erachter dat ik …
Verder lezenA Philosophical Handbook on Depression
By Senad Disclaimer: Do you suffer from depression or suicidal thoughts? Please do not hesitate to approach a fellow KB-member that you trust or call the suicide prevention hotline → 0800-0113 (+31800-0113; for internationals) Take …
Verder lezenHot Takes 2 – It’s cancel time! (again)
A few weeks ago I, Daan, sent a google form where members could send in their hot takes! I decided to rank these! Like last time, a hot take is a statement that is not …
Verder lezenNate’s Kapsalon Review
Hello my fellow koornbeursers. I started my studies here in the Netherlands a good 2 years ago and just like many of you I discovered the holy grail of drunk student food on my journey …
Verder lezenGreat games to keep an eye out for during this Steam Winter Sale
(even though you really shouldn’t be spending anymore money on video games) By Wietse Hey, me again. It’s that time of year again: the Steam Winter Sale! Time to be torn apart by the desire …
Verder lezenBye-Bye Liver
By S🅱️eve I have quite a few people to thank for the birth of this article. That means that you have quite a few people to blame for it.It all started with our dear friend, …
Verder lezenQuotes by Janne’s Pupils
By Janne Hello everyone, My name is Janne and I’m an English teacher at the Stedelijk Gymnasium in Leiden (a secondary school). Here are some lovely quotes from pupils that I have collected this school …
By Senad Greece. The region where democracy was supposed to have come to life and where the rational thinking of the West took its baby-steps. We still revere individuals like Socrates, Plato and Aristotle for …
Verder lezenTheater? Theater! – December
Door Mirte Delft heeft een goed theater, maar menig Koornbeurser heeft er waarschijnlijk nooit een stap in gezet. De stapel theatergidsen van de Veste voor 2022-2023 is op de Koornbeurs terechtgekomen, maar is zo’n overload …
Verder lezenKeijes favoriete dier: Het Krabbezakje
Het krabbezakje (Sacculina carcini, Thomp.) is het bekendste exemplaar van de superorde Rhizocephala. Deze groep (289 soorten) is verwant aan de zeepokken, maar lijkt op geen enkele manier daarop. Krabbezakjes zijn parasitaire castrators, dat wil …
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