Fixing the LV with Book: LV 19/04

As you may recall, I wrote an article just before last LV about how we can fix LV’s using mysticism. This involved my book of all answers, from here on out to be referred to simply as ‘Book’. Since that article was both fun and easy to write, I’ll do it again! This LV is promised to be quite brief, so this article should be brief as well. We’ll see. Alright, let’s get started!

Voorstel van de Ondergrondswerkgroep tot toevoeging van subsidie aan het begrotingstotaal voor de Ondergronds van 17 juni 2023 (Voorstel subsidie Ondergronds 2023)

Whew, lengthy. To put it briefly: the Ondergronds peeps want more budget, but not more money because they want to fill their budget with subsidies. I actually didn’t know we still had cultural subsidies in the Netherlands, but good to hear! So, dear Book, should we give them the budget?

Do not allow yourself to be influenced by your feelings.

Okay, so we’re being pragmatic. Taking money from governments is a very pragmatic thing to do: all the large corporations do it, so why not us? Moving on!

Voorstel van de FK tot goedkeuring van de afrekeningen van de Popkie en de Newkie

Urgh, boring. Book, did they do their homework?

It is not to be recommended.

Book is not satisfied. Book does not tell you why. Book implies you can go stuff yourself. I suppose the Senate or whatever will have a good reason to vote against this proposal, but until then, I will blindly follow the book.

Voorstel van het bestuur tot goedkeuring van het voorschieten voor Stichting Onderhoud van de Koornbeurs van de kosten van rot hout op zolder (Voorstel voorschot StOK 2023)

If you read the agenda, you’ll know we actually already agreed to this – the ‘we’ in question being the board, representing the association. The LV, however, did not agree to anything. How unconstitutional! So, Book, do we simply agree because that’s the easy way to go, or are we not going to agree and scold the board?

It seems inopportune at this moment.

So… at this moment we are not going to agree to anything, we’re going to make the board sweat and the maybe agree anyway at some point in the future? Fun! I like human suffering.

Voorstel van het bestuur tot dispensatie voor het indienen van de halfjaarlijkse afrekening van 2023

Oh boy, another opportunity for the board to get shafted! Of course, it would be unlike Koornbeurs boards to submit their settlement on time, so it would be hypocritical to make a problem out of it now. But what does Book think?

You know better now than you ever will.

Apparently, the board is in the right. Fine…

Voorstel van de Dieski c.s. tot het heffen van een entreeprijs voor leden op het gala

There it is: the yearly proposal to enable entry prices for the gala. We’re going to agree like we always do… won’t we? Book?

This is not the right time to ask for more.

I know book, shit’s expensive and as we all know, Koornbeursers are mangy paupers. Just bite the bullet, the worst-case scenario is that any profits made will go in the pockets of your own fucking association.

There we go! Another LV done and dusted with in a mere 30 minutes. See you at the borrel!