As you may recall, I wrote an article just before last LV about how we can fix LV’s using mysticism. This involved my book of all answers, from here on out to be referred to …
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As you may recall, I wrote an article just before last LV about how we can fix LV’s using mysticism. This involved my book of all answers, from here on out to be referred to …
Verder lezenby Wietse Zwart (and Book) Lately, we’ve been running into the problem that members aren’t coming to our member’s assemblies anymore. Why? Because they’re way too fucking lengthy, that’s why. Oh, and in part because …
Verder lezenStel je voor: je bent bestuur, het is maandagmiddag en je zit in je DB vergadering. De puntjes vliegen langs, alles gaat lekker wanneer plots: gezeik over het HR! Wat een simpel puntje had moeten …
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