By Gino Post writing note: this whole article is just me gushing about BJJ and glorifying it a bunch. I like it a lot and you can find out why: Getting into BJJ I remember, …
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By Gino Post writing note: this whole article is just me gushing about BJJ and glorifying it a bunch. I like it a lot and you can find out why: Getting into BJJ I remember, …
Verder lezenBy Gino Editor’s note: this article is a fucking UNIT, so feel free to read smaller bits of it whenever. Who are you? Daan I am Daan Hulleman, chairman of the association now. [I’m] at …
Verder lezenBy Steve
Verder lezenHello dear members. With the MBB (megabedankborrel) coming up (or having happened already, since I have procrastinated for months), I thought I’d share my (unasked-for) opinion on which Koornbeurs shifts are the best, and which …
Verder lezenInleiding Ik heb in 2023 bijgehouden welke shows ik heb gezien. Daar wilde ik eigenlijk een leuk data science kunstje mee doen en van die mooie kleurrijke grafiekjes mee maken. Helaas was ik rond de …
Verder lezenHello and an early merry Christmas everyone. As I write this, the lovely Christmas dinner personnel is preparing the Christmas dinner, which I’m pretty excited about! Back in the old days, the chair of the …
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