Nikki & Sambal’s Korean Fusion Extravaganza – Mensa Masterchef 6

By Emilia

On the 2nd of May 2023, Nikki and Sambal took us on an unforgettable culinary rollercoaster ride, and boy, did they deliver a feast worth remembering! For a mere price of 3.50, they unleashed a Korean fusion extravaganza that left us enchanted and hungry for their next creation. It was like witnessing a culinary showdown where flavors battled for supremacy.

The evening began with the arrival of Korean BBQ-flavored crispy chickpeas, playfully served in humble paper cups. While the presentation didn’t steal the show, the flavors certainly did. These little nuggets of delight were bursting with mouthwatering taste, though they did bring some unexpected heat that left a few guests fanning themselves. It was a spicy sensation that ignited our palates and kept us on our toes.

As we progressed to the main course, the stage was set for a grand performance: Spicy Korean BBQ pulled jackfruit wraps with pickled vegetables and coleslaw. Each bite was an adventure, as the fiery sweetness of the jackfruit danced with tantalizing spice, creating a harmonious symphony of flavors. It was like experiencing a taste revolution—a secret blend that tickled our taste buds and left us craving more. Unfortunately, the only pitfall in this dish was its presentation, as the sauce enveloping the extraordinary jackfruit was a tad too watery, causing a few comical struggles while trying to devour the wrap. But hey, a little messiness never hurt anyone when the flavors are this extraordinary! And let’s not forget that there was bijhaal. The true mark of a memorable meal is when it leaves you yearning for more, and Nikki and Sambal certainly delivered on that front.

Just when we thought our stomachs were about to wave the white flag, a melodious voice resonated from the kitchen, announcing the arrival of the grand finale: “The cheesecake is being served.” Our anticipation reached its peak, and with each passing second, our excitement grew. A colossal slice of sugary goodness landed on our plates, and the first bite was like stepping into a magical fairytale. It was unlike anything we had ever tasted before—a true masterpiece. The flavors were an enigma, as sweet and spicy intertwined in a dance of delight. The ginger notes lent a touch of intrigue, perfectly balanced with the heavenly sweetness of the cheesecake. And to our surprise, we discovered that this divine dessert was 100% vegan! It shattered all preconceived notions, proving that vegan desserts can indeed be the epitome of taste.

All in all, Nikki and Sambal’s culinary prowess left us in awe. Their gastronomic prowess made them formidable contenders for the title of “The Koornbeurs Mensa Masterchef.” While the presentation of the paper cup starter may not have been their strong suit, it was a minor blip in an otherwise stellar performance.