By Sztív As you could expect from me, S🅱eve, I am very late when it comes to mensa. That didn’t change for Merijn’s MasterChef review (do blame Daddy Orange for it as well tho). The …
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By Sztív As you could expect from me, S🅱eve, I am very late when it comes to mensa. That didn’t change for Merijn’s MasterChef review (do blame Daddy Orange for it as well tho). The …
Verder lezenBy Emma Good day my friends, If you are on campus regularly, you’ve probably seen them everywhere: those nice signs along the road with slogans like “More and better study places”, “A swimming pool on …
Verder lezenDoor Emma Dag vriendjes en vriendinnetjes, Als je regelmatig op campus komt, heb je ze vast al overal zien staan: die leuke bordjes langs de weg met leuzen als “Meer en betere studieplekken”, “Een zwembad …
Verder lezenLieve toekomst, Ik maak me de laatste tijd nogal zorgen over je, dus ik besloot maar even te schrijven om te kijken hoe het met je gaat. Ik ben eigenlijk mijn hele leven wel een …
Verder lezenReviewed by Sztív and Joep So, another week, another Mensa Masterchef. This time, it is brought to you by Ima! Devilled eggs, bami and agar agar for 2.99 (!), let’s see what’s in store this …
Verder lezenHi, I was going to write this last weekend, but then I got tired from trying to convince myself to study the whole day, so here it is a day or three later! This idea …
Verder lezenSomething very strange has happened. The Redâkkie has received a mystery broadcast from an as-of-now unknown source. As Redâkkie we try to publish everything sent to us, so what follows is a transcript of this …
Verder lezenReviewed by Daan and Joep Tuesday 2nd of April: a new message in the Koornbeurs announcements. Loek is making a vegan Chickpea-tomato curry. Moreover, he will be experimenting with eggplants and dates! How this went? …
Verder lezenReviewed by Freya and Matei Another week, another Mensa masterchef review. After Mart and Lara cooked their heart and soul out to give us this amazing meal, Matei and I did our best to review …
Verder lezenMiso Soup, Gyoza, Fried Rice and Vla-Flip by Nino Reviewed by Samir and Wietse Tuesday 21nd Nino kicked off the Mensa Masterchef competition, unfortunately without his sidekick Charlie. Nevertheless, Samir and I took it upon …
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